Tutto ciò che produciamo ha un impatto sul nostro pianeta. Come marchio di outdoor e endurance, siamo consapevoli di questo impatto e degli sforzi che dobbiamo compiere collettivamente per diventare più sostenibili.
La strada verso la piena sostenibilità è lunga e complessa, ma non diciamo mai di no a una sfida.
Anche se siamo ancora lontani dalla perfezione, stiamo lavorando duramente per incorporare la sostenibilità nelle nostre pratiche di produzione. Nel corso degli anni abbiamo raggiunto grandi traguardi, come la collaborazione con certificazioni di terze parti per i tessuti che utilizziamo e il packaging ecologico.
Nei prossimi anni vogliamo fare ancora meglio.
Continuate a leggere per scoprire i nostri progetti di sostenibilità e le aree di sviluppo.
We are not fast fashion. We want you to enjoy high-quality products that are durable, and long-lasting. Backed by innovation and technology, all products are designed in Denmark and are meant to endure for many years to come. Our product development team relentlessly improves our product catalog, supported by customer feedback and in close collaboration with top athletes.
We are aware that even the most durable products are subject to wear and tear. That is why we allowed ourselves to create this care & repair page to show you a few easy tricks to enjoy our products longer.
100% STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified → Every component of our articles – from threads, fabrics, and buttons – has been tested against harmful substances.
38%* natural → with all our merino styles using mulesing free wool to preserve animal welfare
52%* synthetic → with a quarter of these styles containing more than 50% recycled materials in their product composition – and no worries! We are already at work to grow the percentage from 25% to 40% by the end of 2024
*these percentages were calculated based on the highest fiber in the product composition
Work with certifications
Developing products on sustainable principles means investing in high-quality fabrics that can be sourced sustainably.
We believe that this can only be achieved by working with trusted third-party certifications that can attest to the validity of our claims and ensure transparency throughout the whole production process including social compliance.
We are already working with GRS-, and GOTS-certified materials, and we have the ambition to increase the number of our products holding these certifications.
In 2023, we are also exploring new certifications, such as the RWS on our merino styles.Certifications explained
GRS Global Recycle Standard – to verify the recycled content of our products and to confirm responsible social, environmental, and chemical practices in the production process
GOTS Global Organic Textile Standard – to ensure the organic status of textiles from the harvesting of raw materials through environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing all the way to labeling
RWS Responsible Wool Standard – GOTS Global Organic Textile Standard
Minimize dead stock and returns
Products are best when kept out ofthe landfill. Over the years, we have worked on a number of initiatives to minimize our dead stock and returns. These include:
- Optimizing our products’ fit and features based on customers’ feedback
- Packing re-sellable returns
- Donating to local charities
- Bringing unsellable returns to recycling facilities
- Educating our customers on the importance of mindful purchases and the impact of unnecessary returns
IN 2018 →
We said goodbye to plastic bags and entirely switched to recycled paper envelopes.
IN 2022 →
We prevented the production of over 2 million plastic bags, implemented a re-sealable design to maximize the lifespan of the envelopes in case ofreturns, and pursued the FSC Mix Certification on 95% of our product catalog.
IN 2023 →
We are focusing on pursuing the FSC Mix certification on 100% of our envelopes.
L'etichetta FSC è il marchio più affidabile al mondo per la silvicoltura sostenibile. La certificazione FSC Mix garantisce che il prodotto è realizzato con una miscela di materiali provenienti da foreste certificate FSC, materiali riciclati e/o legno controllato FSC. In questo modo si riduce il rischio che il materiale provenga da fonti non accettabili.
We are a young and diverse team of 55 professionals from 20+ different nationalities, with an almost 50%-50% gender split. You can truly say our team brings ideas from all over the world to incomporate sustainable thinking into our everyday life at the office.
Our team members collectively work to promote sustainable initiatives at the office. From organizing sample donations to local charities to buing low-impact office supplies and organic fruit, to best practicies to reduce our energy consumption - you name it!
Transport accounts for a big portion of CO2 emissions.
Throughout the years, we increased the use of sea transport - the least polluting one – and reduced our air shipments, but we know we can still improve.
Our goal is to always lean towards the most climate-friendly solution, further reduce the size of our packaging to optimize shipments, and always ship at full capacity.
During 2023, we commit to continuing the dialogue with our shipping partners to explore solutions to become greener.