Danish Endurance - Jobs & Careers



Are you interested in joining our DANISH ENDURANCE Team at our office in Copenhagen?

Find our current job offers below. In case there is no opening for you at the moment, you are always welcome to drop us an unsolicited application: send your CV and cover letter specifying your desired position and motivation to support@danishendurance.com.

Current openings:


At DANISH ENDURANCE® we are committed to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion with the goal of maintaining a roughly 50/50 gender split and inclusive representation for various nationalities. This strategy outlines our dedication to promoting DEI and engaging employees through regular surveys to ensure progress and inclusivity.


  1. Attain Gender Parity: Achieve balanced gender representation at all levels of the organization.
  2. Promote Multicultural Representation: Ensure inclusive representation for employees of all nationalities, cultures, and backgrounds.
  3. Enhance Employee Engagement: Foster a culture of inclusivity and belonging through regular feedback and communication.
  4. Enhance Social Engagement: Foster a sense of community and belonging through regular social events and activities.
  5. Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Create an environment where diverse perspectives are valued, and everyone feels empowered to contribute.

Strategies and Initiatives:

  1. Gender-Neutral Recruitment: Implement practices to attract and hire candidates based on merit, regardless of gender or nationality.
  2. Leadership Development: Provide training and support programs to cultivate a diverse pipeline of future leaders from various nationalities.
  3. Flexible Work Policies: Offer flexible work arrangements to accommodate employees' diverse needs and cultural responsibilities while ensuring alignment with the company’s business objectives.
  4. Employee Engagement Surveys: Conduct regular surveys to assess employees' experiences, perceptions, and suggestions.
  5. Transparent Communication: Communicate progress towards gender parity and multicultural representation goals, along with DEI initiatives, openly and transparently to all employees.

By setting clear goals for gender parity and multicultural representation, and prioritizing employee engagement through regular surveys, we aim to create a workplace where everyone, regardless of gender or nationality, feels valued, respected, and empowered to succeed.

Together, we will build a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion that celebrates the richness of our collective experiences and drives organizational excellence.

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Click this link for more information on our data privacy policy for job applicants.